Unsurprisingly, considering it's the only one that hasn't already been 75% off via Flash or Daily Deal, Left 4 Dead 2 (Liverpool 3) has been voted as the next Community Spotlight deal.
Current choices are Alan Wake (and I'm guessing American Nightmare), Amnesia: The Dark Descent and L.A. Noire.
At the risk of compelling Dashing to rant (again) about the game, I'm seriously considering getting BTTF: The Game (from Steam when it goes on sale again). Yes, it's easy. Yes, it's buggy in places. But it's not the worst adventure game in the world and I need to get my fix. Seriously, I haven't bought anything from TTG since S&M:S3 and Puzzle Agent 2 (Hector doesn't count because they only ported it).
Disappointment and dislike I can understand, but I've never quite understood the pure venom that's occasionally directed at BTTF. Yes, it's really easy, and yes, there's some bugs, but I don't think it's even close to the worst adventure game ever made. I just think it was a mediocre adventure and certainly could have been better had Telltale not been apparently scared of scaring off non-adventure gamers with puzzles that were too hard for them. I still thought the story was handled pretty well and I loved hearing Christopher Lloyd reprise the role of Doc again.
It's not something that I have any sort of urge to replay, but I don't regret getting it. Granted, I'm a person that can overlook flawed gameplay (and BTTF undeniably has flawed gameplay) if I like the story enough, and I enjoyed its story.
That's just my personal opinion, though. No one has to agree with it.
Batman Franchise 82% off (They're giving this one 12 hours)
-Arkham Asylum
-Arkham City
Individual games and DLC are 66% off(except some Imposters crap is 67, but whatever)
Batman Franchise 82% off (They're giving this one 12 hours)
-Arkham Asylum
-Arkham City
Individual games and DLC are 66% off(except some Imposters crap is 67, but whatever)
New voting options: Legend of Grimrock, Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers and Quantum Conundrum.
Also, new Flash Deal: the Painkiller franchise. 75% off. I'd only really recommend the first one (Black edition), since the others are all fan-made mods given retail releases (not even kidding).
Edit: Grimrock won with over 50% of the votes. Even though it is the same deal as the daily deal two days ago. Well Quantum Conundrum + Season pass will have to wait until it becoms a daily or flash sale then.
New voting:
Terraria (75%) (repeat)
Bastion (75%)
Dungeon Defenders (75%)
New Flash-Sales: q.u.b.e. 75% off (get this if you loved Portal. Ignore the soundtrack) Magicka 75% off (including all DLC except Other Side Of The Coin)
I own all three of the games. Gonna vote for Terraria though, since having new partners would be nice.
I will choose Dungeon Defenders. If they lower it + the shards pack 75% I will get it. It will finally cheap enough. Also it's the only game in there I do not own.:D
Cities XL 2012 - 75% off Hitman (franchise) - 75% off Indie Bundle IV (A Valley Without Wind, Atom Zombie Smasher, Blocks That Matter, Sanctum and Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP)) - 75% off Mount & Blade (franchise) - 75% off Saints Row: The Third (+ almost all DLC) - 75% off Serious Sam (franchise) - 75% off The Darkness II - 75% off The Walking Dead - 40% off Trine 2 - 75% off
I'm noticing that several of those were previously up for public vote, though I don't think they won. Just FYI.
Latest Flash Deals are the Microsoft Flight Collection (66% off) and Killing Floor (75% off).
And I am pissed @ the indie bundle. I was waiting for A Valley WithoutWind to go on sale and now it is in this bundle with 4 other games. 4 Games I already own.
OK, is the Trine 2 OST worth the extra 50% it'll cost me to get the Deluxe edition? I don't really care about the artbook, just need to know if the soundtrack is worth it or not.
I like it but wouldn't fully recommend it to everyone. There is a cheap upgrade option by the way. Maybe try the game and upgrade later if you want to.
When it won the voting, I bought the standard version with the logic that, if I really love the game, I can buy the upgrade during a later sale. I don't need to rush to snag a soundtrack and art book, especially since the soundtrack may come in the highly probable "Indie Bundle" release of Trine 2.
Hey Mardsen, Steam keeps deleting your gift to me(thanks ) and won't let me add it, can you resend it?
On the plus side, Gumboy tournament showed up perfectly...
I, uh... I don't have it. Not sure what's going on there.
EDIT: Oh fuck, I know what's happened. I accidentally gave it away with all the other games I'd bought for my Secret Santa. Shit, sorry 'bout that. I'll have a word with DivisionTen when she gets back, see what I can do. Doesn't look good though. Sorry!
EDIT2: Hang on, maybe not. It says in my gift history I sent it to you. Are you 100% sure you don't have it?
Prince Of Persia complete pack 75% off
it includes the "Sands Of Time trilogy" and both new ones. All games are 75% off and the whole pack will only save you 21 cents in Europe right now.
Be warned: the newest game in the series uses the "shiny and new" Ubisoft DRM (booo) and has a digital Deluxe Edition, that will give you, amongst others, the great soundtrack (yeah!) and the first game of the old Sands Of Time trilogy (yeah!) for the price of both games combined. If you want the pack and the price of the individual games is only slightly higer I recommend the Digital Deluxe edition of The Forotten Sands for the soundtrack alone.
Also: If you don't own the godlike soundtrack for Bastion yet and you don't get it on this sale: I hate you. Yes. I said it. I hate you.
In other words: If you got Bastion on Steam also get the soundtrack. I personally do not like the game but I bought the soundtrack. Twice. I own it on CD now.
Is it just how I read it, or does the trilogy NOT use a 360 controller? One game briefly mentions one, one is overly specific and the other doesn't mention one at all.
Current choices are Alan Wake (and I'm guessing American Nightmare), Amnesia: The Dark Descent and L.A. Noire.
Disappointment and dislike I can understand, but I've never quite understood the pure venom that's occasionally directed at BTTF. Yes, it's really easy, and yes, there's some bugs, but I don't think it's even close to the worst adventure game ever made. I just think it was a mediocre adventure and certainly could have been better had Telltale not been apparently scared of scaring off non-adventure gamers with puzzles that were too hard for them. I still thought the story was handled pretty well and I loved hearing Christopher Lloyd reprise the role of Doc again.
It's not something that I have any sort of urge to replay, but I don't regret getting it. Granted, I'm a person that can overlook flawed gameplay (and BTTF undeniably has flawed gameplay) if I like the story enough, and I enjoyed its story.
That's just my personal opinion, though. No one has to agree with it.
Fray 50% off
Witcher 2 60% off
I highly recommend Witcher 2, I'm hooked on the GOG version.
I'm drooling over DLC I can't afford. 25% off Gods and Kings and 75% off the Spain and Inca pack. Would totally pick those up if I could.
If you haven't played a Civ game before, the Civilization Pack for $25 nets you:
Civ III Complete
Civ IV+Expansions
Civ V+all DLC other than the recent Gods and Kings expansion.
Fray is also 50% off. I...have not heard good things.
Batman Franchise 82% off (They're giving this one 12 hours)
-Arkham Asylum
-Arkham City
Individual games and DLC are 66% off(except some Imposters crap is 67, but whatever)
Theatre Of War 75% off
Something usefull.
No it's actually worse. all the games require Games For Windows Live which doesn't work & doesn't license games in certain countries. Those N:eek:zis
Do get the complete edtion though. The additional cases you get are by far the best in the whole game.
Also, new Flash Deal: the Painkiller franchise. 75% off. I'd only really recommend the first one (Black edition), since the others are all fan-made mods given retail releases (not even kidding).
Oh, fine.
Edit: Grimrock won with over 50% of the votes. Even though it is the same deal as the daily deal two days ago. Well Quantum Conundrum + Season pass will have to wait until it becoms a daily or flash sale then.
Terraria (75%) (repeat)
Bastion (75%)
Dungeon Defenders (75%)
New Flash-Sales:
q.u.b.e. 75% off (get this if you loved Portal. Ignore the soundtrack)
Magicka 75% off (including all DLC except Other Side Of The Coin)
I will choose Dungeon Defenders. If they lower it + the shards pack 75% I will get it. It will finally cheap enough. Also it's the only game in there I do not own.:D
Plus, Dungeon Defenders has already been reduced a bunch. Not sure about Terraria, but meh.
EDIT: Ninja'd! So much for being different. OK, then Bastion deserves to win. EVERYTHING.
(Wanna get the shiny pointless badge! WHEEE!!!
Cities XL 2012 - 75% off
Hitman (franchise) - 75% off
Indie Bundle IV (A Valley Without Wind, Atom Zombie Smasher, Blocks That Matter, Sanctum and Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP)) - 75% off
Mount & Blade (franchise) - 75% off
Saints Row: The Third (+ almost all DLC) - 75% off
Serious Sam (franchise) - 75% off
The Darkness II - 75% off
The Walking Dead - 40% off
Trine 2 - 75% off
I'm noticing that several of those were previously up for public vote, though I don't think they won. Just FYI.
Latest Flash Deals are the Microsoft Flight Collection (66% off) and Killing Floor (75% off).
And I am pissed @ the indie bundle. I was waiting for A Valley WithoutWind to go on sale and now it is in this bundle with 4 other games. 4 Games I already own.
Watched the trailer. If the rest of the music's like that, I think I'll pass.
On the plus side, Gumboy tournament showed up perfectly...
EDIT: Oh fuck, I know what's happened. I accidentally gave it away with all the other games I'd bought for my Secret Santa. Shit, sorry 'bout that. I'll have a word with DivisionTen when she gets back, see what I can do. Doesn't look good though. Sorry!
EDIT2: Hang on, maybe not. It says in my gift history I sent it to you. Are you 100% sure you don't have it?
It is not in my steam library, inventory, or pending gifts so no I don't have it either.
EDIT:I do however have the email of you gifting it to me, but when I click "redeem" nothing happens.
EDIT: New Flash Deal - Vessel. Usual 75% off.
EDIT2: Bastion won the public vote. As well it should have.
EDIT3: New Flash Deal is the Gothic franchise. 50% off. Don't bother, It'll be cheaper down the line.
Next vote trinity is Dead Space 2, Grand Theft Auto 4 and Just Cause 2.
and now both monkey island special editions are on the flash sales.
Tales of Monkey Island is also included in the Monkey Island flash sale. It's (you guessed it) 75% off.
Pretty sure everyone here that had any level of interest in Tales already has it, but it's still worth a mention.
Sadly it isn't part of that pack, but the game is 75% off though.
Prince Of Persia complete pack 75% off
it includes the "Sands Of Time trilogy" and both new ones. All games are 75% off and the whole pack will only save you 21 cents in Europe right now.
Be warned: the newest game in the series uses the "shiny and new" Ubisoft DRM (booo) and has a digital Deluxe Edition, that will give you, amongst others, the great soundtrack (yeah!) and the first game of the old Sands Of Time trilogy (yeah!) for the price of both games combined. If you want the pack and the price of the individual games is only slightly higer I recommend the Digital Deluxe edition of The Forotten Sands for the soundtrack alone.
In other words: If you got Bastion on Steam also get the soundtrack. I personally do not like the game but I bought the soundtrack. Twice. I own it on CD now.