Noooo, you don't get it. Swear if you like, but don't insult others. "Fuckin' waiting" is actually OK.
Also, it's pretty impossible to simulate having been snipped by a moderator, because the message would always bear the mark "last edited by [the responsible mod]".
Methinks that's a bit too close to [CENSORED]. :cool:
Noooo, you don't get it. Swear if you like, but don't insult others. "Fuckin' waiting" is actually OK.
Also, it's pretty impossible to simulate having been snipped by a moderator, because the message would always bear the mark "last edited by [the responsible mod]".
or if your going to insult people do it privately or not at all , or use intelligence to out smart them...
was just in general, but as the boondocks saints is a fantastic movie (though im not quite sure billy cononley pulls off an irish accent) ill give you a cookie for the reference!
Ouch. That's why I'm normally quite content with Telltale only giving a month for the release, not some fixed release date.
Well, the Project Zomboid thing is actually understandable. They are completely overhauling their engine the way I understand it. After this update new updates will be able to contain so much more and ship out faster because the game makers will be able to sprite 100x faster. Besides, Project Zomboid only costs $7 or something. I pretty much bought the game to support the game developers and less to play a game in alpha even if it is pretty badass.
I look forward to Project Zomboid updates but I don't stalk the forums every day and check their blog for updates and perhaps an apology to the fans like I do here at Telltale. Project Zomboid is more a snack whereas The Walking Dead is a meal. I mean, TWD will be a meal when more of it gets finished but at this point Project Zomboid has more variety. When I think about it that way it's sort of depressing.
Well, the Project Zomboid thing is actually understandable. They are completely overhauling their engine the way I understand it. After this update new updates will be able to contain so much more and ship out faster because the game makers will be able to sprite 100x faster. Besides, Project Zomboid only costs $7 or something. I pretty much bought the game to support the game developers and less to play a game in alpha even if it is pretty badass.
I look forward to Project Zomboid updates but I don't stalk the forums every day and check their blog for updates and perhaps an apology to the fans like I do here at Telltale. Project Zomboid is more a snack whereas The Walking Dead is a meal. I mean, TWD will be a meal when more of it gets finished but at this point Project Zomboid has more variety. When I think about it that way it's sort of depressing.
Plus the devs from project zomboid actually communicate with fans on the forums and their twitter, im sure in the long run when PZ goes from aplha/demo to actual full game it will be much better than The Walking Dead.
was just in general, but as the boondocks saints is a fantastic movie (though im not quite sure billy cononley pulls off an irish accent) ill give you a cookie for the reference!
bds 1 and 2 are in my top ten films of all my time so far
Telltale is pissing me off... I would like to play episode 2.. which was supposed to be released a grip back... i paid for all the episodes upfront. if i had known this was going to happen i would have bought the first episode, then spent the rest of the money on somthing i could have at the time. Atleast give us a damn date to look forward to.:mad:
Telltale is pissing me off... I would like to play episode 2.. which was supposed to be released a grip back... i paid for all the episodes upfront. if i had known this was going to happen i would have bought the first episode, then spent the rest of the money on somthing i could have at the time. Atleast give us a damn date to look forward to.:mad:
way to ruin a first impression with a lame joke about the release date
and welcome...
Sadly, this first impression is accurate. I like lame jokes that refrence TV shows and movies.
Honestly, I knew there would be a wait between episodes and I thought it was worth it. I just came here to see if there was any news. I see now that Ep 2 was shown at E3.
My friend went to see a film the other day,he said he only could see the first 5th of the film though, for some reason the film makers decided to pull the plug and advertise for next was annoying but at least they had his money...I did not inhale
Sadly, this first impression is accurate. I like lame jokes that refrence TV shows and movies.
Honestly, I knew there would be a wait between episodes and I thought it was worth it. I just came here to see if there was any news. I see now that Ep 2 was shown at E3.
lol at least you didn't abuse ttg and threaten legal action/ boycott
My friend went to see a film the other day,he said he only could see the first 5th of the film though, for some reason the film makers decided to pull the plug and advertise for next was annoying but at least they had his money...I did not inhale
lol at least you didn't abuse ttg and threaten legal action/ boycott
a slightly more original dig at ttg...
oh the humanity....
I think we should call shenanigans and just leave it at that, anyways the real issue here isnt the walking dead its theGermans, they have been quiet for too long, they're planning something...something zombifying. Ich bin ein walker
Call of duty is incredibly offensive if your German? Imagine if call of duty did marine corps (it sells itself really, put an e on the end teehee) there would be outrage, passion, fragrance, obsession, Calvin Klein
I could have sworn they said 1 a month....Hard to believe they cannot get a game episode that only takes 2 hours to play finished in that amount of time.
lol at least you didn't abuse ttg and threaten legal action/ boycott
I cannot threaten legal action against ttg since they seem to be the only software company that will continue to work on the Monkey Island games. Also, I really liked the Back to the Future series.
I will sit quietly and wait until the crack makers run their quality checks.
He did say targeting for late June. So I will take that as more or less. He might mean when it gets released on all platforms. Who know PC and Mac might get them early?
But I will say we should of seen it back in May since we were expected to get a Monthly release. I hope we don't have to wait every two months.
I hope the reason for the delay is that the game's been much more successful and critically well-received than they expected, so they're really trying to make it bigger and better now.
I'm sure they had it all planned out when the first episode came out, this isn't their first time doing this episodic thing by a long shot. So I would think the delay has to do with an unexpected problem, or an unexpected opportunity.
And by 'hope' it's to make it bigger and better, I mean it had better be. The first taste was really great, and I've been jonesin' for another hit ever since I finished my first playthrough. :P
Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season with the remaining episodes being delivered monthly thereafter.
You guys cheated everyone who purchased a season pass by selling an incomplete game. I realize that waiting in between content is expected as the game is released in episodes, but that excuse doesn't really work when you completely fail to get your content out on the projected dates (or even within a reasonable time frame within those dates). You didn't bother giving your customers a reason for the massive delay or even apologize; no wonder people are upset.
In the future, if you just want to take your customer's money and run, my suggestion is to leave projected release dates blank and avoid making any assumptions like "monthly release". You will probably lose out on some season pass customers this way since you wouldn't be able to entice them with false information, but that's probably better than losing out on customers forever due to a complete disregard for professionalism.
I fully expect that this topic will either get deleted, locked, or flooded with snide responses from forum-goers, but the fact remains that it's completely irresponsible to sell a product under false pretenses and then remain silent about it.
Methinks that's a bit too close to [CENSORED]. :cool:
Noooo, you don't get it. Swear if you like, but don't insult others. "Fuckin' waiting" is actually OK.
Also, it's pretty impossible to simulate having been snipped by a moderator, because the message would always bear the mark "last edited by [the responsible mod]".
or if your going to insult people do it privately or not at all , or use intelligence to out smart them...
boondock saints ? or just in general
Well, the Project Zomboid thing is actually understandable. They are completely overhauling their engine the way I understand it. After this update new updates will be able to contain so much more and ship out faster because the game makers will be able to sprite 100x faster. Besides, Project Zomboid only costs $7 or something. I pretty much bought the game to support the game developers and less to play a game in alpha even if it is pretty badass.
I look forward to Project Zomboid updates but I don't stalk the forums every day and check their blog for updates and perhaps an apology to the fans like I do here at Telltale. Project Zomboid is more a snack whereas The Walking Dead is a meal. I mean, TWD will be a meal when more of it gets finished but at this point Project Zomboid has more variety. When I think about it that way it's sort of depressing.
BTTF is considered one of their crappier titles, so if you enjoyed it... Welcome, you will soon be a telltale fanboy...
Also, By far Sam and Max season three is their best.
Plus the devs from project zomboid actually communicate with fans on the forums and their twitter, im sure in the long run when PZ goes from aplha/demo to actual full game it will be much better than The Walking Dead.
Well i'm not a Jurassic Park fan but still, i liked the gameplay and the story. It's not as good as the walking dead imo but i liked it:rolleyes:
In about 4 billion years, our galaxy is suppose to collide with the Andromeda galaxy, destroying everything in the process.
With this info in mind, we can accurately put the release date for episode 2 at sometime between June 2012 and June 4,000,000,000
It may come out on June 3,999,999,999
Then, fuck you.... time!
bds 1 and 2 are in my top ten films of all my time so far
Yes, I stole that from a cartoon but I felt it could be used here as well.
first post ! congrats
console purchase ? and end of june for ep2
and welcome...
Awesome, despite the fact that we probably could have had ep. 3 by then...
Yep, you're right
But there has been a covered delay and here we are.
Sadly, this first impression is accurate. I like lame jokes that refrence TV shows and movies.
Honestly, I knew there would be a wait between episodes and I thought it was worth it. I just came here to see if there was any news. I see now that Ep 2 was shown at E3.
lol at least you didn't abuse ttg and threaten legal action/ boycott
a slightly more original dig at ttg...
oh the humanity....
I think we should call shenanigans and just leave it at that, anyways the real issue here isnt the walking dead its theGermans, they have been quiet for too long, they're planning something...something zombifying. Ich bin ein walker
please tell me this isn't true , please tell me we dont have to wait till the end of the year!
I think that journalist needs to check his facts. They're targeting late June for the episode 2 release.
I saw a video from E3 where TTG's marketing director states they are looking at end of June for expected release.
good as i was about to go all angry germen kid
Wow... I didn't even recognise him without the fearsome mutton chops he used to have.
I cannot threaten legal action against ttg since they seem to be the only software company that will continue to work on the Monkey Island games. Also, I really liked the Back to the Future series.
I will sit quietly and wait until the crack makers run their quality checks.
Do we have another choice?:rolleyes:
But I will say we should of seen it back in May since we were expected to get a Monthly release. I hope we don't have to wait every two months.
I'm sure they had it all planned out when the first episode came out, this isn't their first time doing this episodic thing by a long shot. So I would think the delay has to do with an unexpected problem, or an unexpected opportunity.
And by 'hope' it's to make it bigger and better, I mean it had better be. The first taste was really great, and I've been jonesin' for another hit ever since I finished my first playthrough. :P
In the future, if you just want to take your customer's money and run, my suggestion is to leave projected release dates blank and avoid making any assumptions like "monthly release". You will probably lose out on some season pass customers this way since you wouldn't be able to entice them with false information, but that's probably better than losing out on customers forever due to a complete disregard for professionalism.
I fully expect that this topic will either get deleted, locked, or flooded with snide responses from forum-goers, but the fact remains that it's completely irresponsible to sell a product under false pretenses and then remain silent about it.