The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited September 2010
    Weezer rules. I'm so glad they have a new album out. Thumbs up if you agree!

    ...oh, wait. I forgot this isn't Youtube.

    Thumbs down. I like a couple of Weezer's songs, but for the most part they get on my nerves, more so starting with the red album.
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I have hot water in the shower for the first time in TWO weeks! Bliss.

    Eep, that must've been a rough two weeks.
  • edited September 2010
    I am extremely happy today. Made apple sauce with Ian, had a nice talk while cutting up the apples, then discussed how the reorganise the living-room, and then we went shopping in preparation for tonight's (tofu feta and artichoke) pizza and tomorrow's (mushroom) quiche.
    Tonight we're watching either Citizen Kane or The Graduate (haven't seen either yet. I know, shame on us).
    Our original plan was to play Sam & Max 305, Machinarium or New Super Mario Bros Wii, none of which we ended doing, but we had a great day regardless.

    It's amazing how much of a difference having a tidy apartment can make.

    Oh, also, I've been reading To Kill a Mockingbird, and I was surprised that it was such a recent book, I thought it was a classic and, well, my Frenchness causes me to think of classics as several centuries old, so this is more of a modern book to me.
    Very interesting, I'm learning lots about the American South. I'll have to read it a second time when I'm not trying to enjoy the story, so I can look up all the weird phrases and expressions I'm encountering for the first time.
  • edited September 2010
    To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book.

    i have an interview tommorow

    im nervous
  • edited September 2010
    *sigh* It just takes 5 seconds to ruin an otherwise completely awesome day -___-
  • edited September 2010
    I just watched a YouTube video(Star Warners (1/2)) AS it was being removed for copyright violations. Weird.
  • edited September 2010
    Lol, the 9 community is crazy. More so than the plot of the movie which the forum revolves around, even. They're like little mexican jumping beans. They actually seem mentally attached to that word, 'beans', it's like everyone that stumbles across the forum is brainwashed into joining, and everyone that joins is brainwashed into becoming a bean, and most people that become a bean are brainwashed into urging everyone in. That's only a hundreth of the things that make them unique.

    In a bad way, maybe. Actually more annoying than bad; which isn't as bad as.. bad itself. You know?

    I have a sudden urge to troll them to see if I can make them jump. Help me fight if off, PLEASE?
  • edited September 2010
    what 9 community
  • edited September 2010
    There's a 9 community?
  • edited September 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    what 9 community

    I have to admit, looking back, I exaggerated a bit (especially about the 'bean' part in particular- they seem to be more so attatched to the thing they call the 'GRILLED CHEEEZE BAR'), but here ya go. Seeing as you're new to this place, you might find it a bit strange as I did, especially if you didn't see the movie. That would be like joining the Telltale forums without.. playing any Telltale.. games..

    Whoops, guilty. Anyway;

    ..I dare you.

    I searched around a bit in those nooks and crannies where members are most likely to 'SQUEEEEE' like fangirls. But I don't quite remember those places in particular.

    Here's a tip; try looking in the 'Intros and Outros' first.

    I'll regret this.
  • edited September 2010
    Some...well, all, of those sigs made my head hurt. Especially the animated ones (Eurgh!). I just gave up reading after five minutes because half the time I couldn't tell where the actual post was...
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2010
    Eep, that must've been a rough two weeks.

    Being in Central America is a decent trade-off! Even cold showers feel pretty decent if you're wet, sweaty and dirty enough. :D
    Avistew wrote: »
    Oh, also, I've been reading To Kill a Mockingbird

    Will you watch the film too? We studied To Kill a Mockingbird (book and film) in class when I was about 15. I wish I could remember more about books, I tend to forget all the details within a few months of finishing them.
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    i have an interview tommorow

    im nervous

    Good luck, you'll do fine! Even if you don't get the job, it will be great interview practice.
  • edited September 2010
    New QI, I actually want to see it and I can't. Damn that fact I'm not in Great Britain.

    I've never seen QI but it sounds funny
  • edited September 2010
    To Kill A Mockingbird is without a doubt my second favorite book. The movie has a completely different image of Boo Radley than what I pictured, but it's pretty good too.
  • edited September 2010
    To Kill a Mockingbird is one of two books that I actually enjoyed reading in school (the other was Far From the Madding Crowd). The fact that reading it at a snails pace and analyzing every word for hidden meaning didn't ruin the book for me makes it especially special.
  • edited September 2010
    well i'm screwed
  • edited September 2010
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Fix'd. :p

    Aw man, I was gonna go for the whole " irrelevant comparison to Justin Bieber" thing :p
  • edited September 2010
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Will you watch the film too? We studied To Kill a Mockingbird (book and film) in class when I was about 15. I wish I could remember more about books, I tend to forget all the details within a few months of finishing them.

    Probably, although I'm not having a "marathon", as in, I'm not planning to see the movie right after I finish the book. If I watch the movie, it might be years from now.

    I made a mushroom quiche tonight. It's in the oven right now and I'm starving... Waiting much too long before starting it. Oh well, it will be tasty either way.
    We'll probably watch The Graduate while we're having it (we watched Citizen Kane yesterday).
  • edited September 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I made a mushroom quiche tonight. It's in the oven right now and I'm starving... Waiting much too long before starting it. Oh well, it will be tasty either way.
    We'll probably watch The Graduate while we're having it (we watched Citizen Kane yesterday).

    A. That reminds me of Bone for some strange reason.

    B. How was Citizen Kane. Was it as Good as people say it is?
  • edited September 2010
    I was just looking at all of the websites that have pages dedicated to me. There's quite a few of them, but here are two that stand out.

    Tv Tropes
    Know Your Meme
  • edited September 2010
    Yes, captain. You are most well known on these interwebs
  • edited September 2010
    So yeah, Sword of the Stranger is one of the greatest Asian/anime movies of all time and everyone needs to go see it now.

    The music alone is reason enough to see this movie. It also has some of the most amazing fight scenes ever put to animation.
  • edited September 2010
    Absent Part 1
    Coming very soon.
  • edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    New QI, I actually want to see it and I can't. Damn that fact I'm not in Great Britain.

    I've never seen QI but it sounds funny
    Thanks for reminding me to watch it! =p
    I'm sure you can catch a few clips on youtube.
  • edited September 2010
    found the whole thing on youtube. They have like every episode on it from series A to now.

    I'm going to like this show
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    New QI, I actually want to see it and I can't. Damn that fact I'm not in Great Britain.

    I've never seen QI but it sounds funny

    Oh yay! QI is brilliant. I shall prepare to fall in love with Stephen Fry and Alan Davies all over again.
  • edited September 2010
    B. How was Citizen Kane? Was it as good as people say it is?

    I liked the movie a lot. It's pretty different. Not much action... it's almost like a documentary in some ways. You get different people talking about Kane after he dies (oh no, spoilers! don't worry, that's the very beginning), and it switches to the scenes themselves, then it goes back to the person who was talking, then the main guy goes ask someone else.

    This way you get an idea of his life from the points of views of the people around him, with some chronological order but not quite (that is, each person's memories are chronological, but they overlap).

    It's got some funny bits, although I spent most of the time finding the characters pretty horrible, especially Kane himself, who is an absolute jerk. Well, the most annoying character is
    his second wife

    I think it's a very good movie, but you shouldn't go there expecting the kind of movies you're probably used to.
  • edited September 2010
    I hope people like my newest review. It has an AK47 in. What? Were you expecting video games?
  • edited September 2010
    My voice is really messed up right now. I can only gor really low, and I'm a Tenor, I normally couldn't get this low if I tried. You'd think that's good, but my range sucks so I can barely even talk.

    This better go away by tomorrow, I can't sing like this.
  • edited September 2010
    In honor of Poker Night Coming out later this year, I decided to replay Telltale Texas Hold 'Em. I was quickly taught a lesson in how much I suck at Poker.

    I also came across this:

    Dank, old Buddy! What are you doing in there? Did Telltale slip you into the Game when I wasn't looking?
  • edited September 2010
    I'm thinking I spent about near 70 or more dollars this week...
  • edited September 2010
    *sigh* I don't think the S&M DVDs will get added to my cart in time to get them together with the ToMI sale...
  • edited September 2010
    So, um. I have a blog now.

    So, yeah. Check it out. All I got is one pokémon type post at the moment. but I plan to do absolutely nothing more interesting things with it in the future
  • edited September 2010
    Im sooo happy Kane is still world champion
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2010
    Sauvignon blanc should never be served in a balloon glass. But I'll take it.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm not shaggy anymore, and I'm kind of digging it...also...I have been grieving over GoG all day.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    I'm not shaggy anymore, and I'm kind of digging it...

    I think this means you owe us a new picture in the "What do you look like?" thread.
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    So yeah, Sword of the Stranger is one of the greatest Asian/anime movies of all time and everyone needs to go see it now.

    The music alone is reason enough to see this movie. It also has some of the most amazing fight scenes ever put to animation.
    I'm sorry, but I prefer Kamui no Ken and its music.

    ...your selection is no slouch, though.
  • edited September 2010
    I spent my entire day with my dad and grandpa, starting when my dad dragged me out of bed at the indecent (at least on a Sunday) hour of 9 AM. We moved two truck shells, one of them twice, and loaded a camper. My arms hurt. My back hurts. My hands hurt. And I think I need another shower.
This discussion has been closed.