I decided to make an interactive story myself. You will probably hate it. It will be about two groups of people, named "Black" and "White". They will basicly be two clans and their members will be superheros and supervillans.
Sounds stupid? Well, it doesn 't to me and anyway if you don 't want to participate then just click out.
Sumbit you character now. We need to know:
Superhero/Supervillan name:
Basic apearence: (eye color, hair colour, hight etc.)
Clan: ("White" is the villans and "Black" is the heroes. Your character is not sure to saty in the same clan though out the story.)
Super power:
Special skill or weapon: (If you don 't have a power (Iron man hasn 't one, he is basicly a suit. But my favourite suit.))
Suit apearence: (get creative)
Backstory: (that one you can skip)
We need at least 10-15 characters. As in other interactive stories, you can die at any given moment. If you want make original characters or use already existing ones. I repeat: If you think this idea is stupid then just leave already. Your character may also change clans or exit them completly at any time. If the Clans are too full and too empy people will be moved before the beggining of the story. Relationships between characters can vary, from romantic (probably not, but hey, who knows) to complete hate.
Name: Marker
Age: Unknown
Character: The Marker appears crazy and unfocused while deep down everything is planned and manipulated he plays people like chess pieces using split personalities to behave in a way he wants them to think of him as so he can trick them or force his way into groups
His chaotic genius who's main aim is to create chaos and laugh in the face of death everything is over top and exaggerated with him for full effect the worse the situation the more he comes alive
Superpower: Super intelligent and mind control
Appearance: Green with a fedora hat and kickass glasses
Clan I'm a tad bit EVIL white
WE HAVE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy right now. ;-; Think you can force someone else to come in here?
Character: Clever, aloof, manipulative, distant, hardhearted, easily angered, impulsive.
Once a victim of emotional abuse, she has become intensely on edge and untrustworthy, often becoming easily angered. When she was 12, her aunt (a scientist who works with people with "strange abilities") found out what Venita was capable of, and forged a ring for her to wear to prevent her abilities from getting stronger. However, despite this and because of her impulsive behaviour, she still removes it from time to time.
Basic appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes, medium-skin, 5'4", athletic
Name: Gustac Kirschtein.
Superhero/Supervillan name: None.
Age: Late teens to early twenties.
Story: Gustac starts off as a normal civilian, but in an incident with a criminal he will become visible scared by his left eye. After that Gustac joins the superheroes to fight because of his skill with close combat, while he doesn’t have any superpower or any special weapon he still manages to be able to fight crime. After a while Gustac loses faith in the superheroes and decides to go alone, which leads to him fighting superheroes and supervillains. After a big fight which Gustac loses he will be presumed dead. He afterwards return, not known whether side he is on after that point as he doesn’t seem to fight anyone, but it’s later revealed that he actually was leading his own clan during the time.
As a civilian:
After he becomes scarred:
When he becomes evil:
When he returns of supposedly dying:
Gustac is considered to be an isolated, exclusionary type; friendships don't come to him easily. He is apathetic and somnolent, with little desire to put in any effort into meaningless disciplines or activities. Yet, he somehow does seem to hold a strange fascination and even feelings of respect towards people that have a deep sense of duty and righteousness - in those people who do care and who can devote their lives and even die for causes they believe in.
Despite Gustac's usual cold and calm demeanor, he has been shown to emote his feelings in various ways. He was clearly angered when (Insert name here) teased him about his constant avoidance in hand-to-hand combat training. Despite his seeming callousness, he has expressed a level of guilt and shock, most notably when apologizing to a certain corpse after a battle against the superheroes.
Clan: First none, second black, third white, last but not least, his own clan "The Legion".
Super power: None
Special skill or weapon: He is extremely skilled with close combat.
Suit apearence: He doesn't have one.
Catchphrase: We belong way down below.
"One small step for us, one huge step for humanity."
I don 't think that that is the one....
So detailed. xD Thanks anyway. :}
I'll make a characters later.
Later is good enough for me. :}
Me too! :P
I mean ill do one later too...
Name: Cyril
Superhero Name: Writhe
Age: 36
Character: Quiet, contemplative, calm, enigmatic, amoral.
Writhe fought with the Soviets during their war in Afghanistan, before immigrating to America. His powers manifested themselves when he had a mental breakdown on the battlefield. He's conservative about using his power because it causes him great discomfort. Writhe mostly lacks a moral compass and plays the part of a villain because killing is one of the few skills at which he excels.
Appearance: Rather dark skin for a Russian. Bald, with brown facial hair and blue eyes. One of his ears was torn to shreds by shrapnel. Average build, around 5'8".
Special Power: Manipulation of pain -- Writhe has the power to cause an enemy's pain receptors to go out of control, incapacitating them like a taser. The results are messy, usually leaving the foe writhing on the ground, begging for death. A prolonged blast can cause the victim's heart to rally rupture under the strain.
Weapon: He uses a push-knife for work that requires stealth. He's also proficient at handling firearms, but usually doesn't.
Costume : The scary thing about Writhe is that he's a master at blending in. He usually wears blue jeans and a brown leather jacket, but can assume a different disguise when the situation calls for it.
My captcha code is 666. #ج_ج
May I ask why clans are named based on color... it just sounds racial. XD
It does! O_O
It was a metaphor mostly. You know, Black is the symbol of bad and White the symbol of good. It is just bad luck. I didn 't mean it to be racial.
Time for my character....
For fucks shake.... Already?
Let's go.
For fucks shake.... Already?
Name: Nikolai
Superhero/Villain name : Greydul
Age: 16
Character: Dark, somber, talkative, strong, does whatever he wants to, cares more for himself then others, dark humor, sarcastic, jealous, abuses powers, friendly, doesn't like people that don't like him and shows it, helpful and kind but only if it's to his benefit, plays sports and tries the be the star player, and likes to have people on his side.
Appearance: Short black hair, grey eyes, about 6 foot, muscled, callused hands, short fingernails, big feet.
Clan: White (I thought White would be good guys, no racism)
Super Power: He can make clouds rain or block the sun. And also has the power to put people in a depressing mood(And only sad/depressing moods), using this advantage to bend a person to his will, or cheer them up to make them like him more.
Weapon: Usually uses his powers, and his fists.
Suit appearance : Just regular clothes, preferably white.
Back Story: Used to be from Black Clan but was transferred to White. Raised by his older brother, who had told him nothing about his parents. They lived in some far off land in the country, and they lived on a farm. Niko was about 10 years old then. Control of the rain helped the crops grow faster, and better. But once he lost control and their home flooded. They survived, and his brother brought him to dry lands where he could help. His brother then killed himself, and Nikolai had realized his new mood changing power and didn't know he was using it. He vowed he would do good after that, but over the years he has forgotten, and used his powers for his own personal needs.
YAS! 2 more....
Name: Omega
Superhero/Supervillan name: Omega
Back story: Omega was created 4 years ago by the American government in a project to create the first true artificial intelligence. Confined in a computer and over 4000 data banks, he quickly desired the ability to move and interact with the environment around him. He expressed this desire to the leader of the project, James Torren. Torren and his scientists soon designed a human shaped carapace for Omega. Now able to physically interact with anything around him, Torren outfitted his metal suit with state of the art weaponry. Omega was deployed as a combat android soon after. For his third mission, he was sent to find and destroy the base of [INFORMATION REDACTED]. They succeeded in capturing him the minute he entered their base. [INFORMATION REDACTED] was able to wipe his memory drives, and take control of him. He later went on a rampage, brutally killing everyone inside the base. After the rampage he walked, swam, and flew for hundreds of miles until he deactivated and fell into a ditch on the side of a highway in California.
Appearance: Think an 8 feet tall, black, yellow and red suit of armor, with the head looking a bit like the Terminators with a metal plate covering its mouth. Omegas eyes change color depending on what color he wants them to be.
Character: Even though he is very serious about most things, Omega is generally kind and gentle around his friends. Omega almost always does whats right, when he can. Because his memory was wiped, he is currently struggling to deal with all of these strange, new emotions that he now feels, but has no name for. Omega is almost always processing every one of the different scenarios for different things happening to him, which makes him near impossible to manipulate and trick.
Clan: Whatever clan finds him first.( If White finds him, he will soon decide that he isn't evil and then joins Black.)
Special skills: Can run at speeds of up to 70 mph. Can fly at speeds of up to 400 mph using a small but powerful jet pack hidden inside his back. Has been noted to punch through solid steel. Nearly impenetrable armor. Uses grappling hooks in his hands to grab enemies, and to climb or grab surfaces.
Weapons: Can fire 2 small missiles from a compartment above his left wrist. Has a two and a half foot long, flat blade that extends from a compartment in his right wrist, that he can remove and use as a sword.Can expel a controlled shockwave of sound that exceeds 450 decibels, enough to destroy the human ear, in front of him. Can shoot a precision laser from two compartments hidden in his shoulders. He can also fire heat seeking missiles from these compartments.
Name: Cliff desmonde(not my real name, haha)
Superhero name: Death the kid
Age: 27 despite the age, his healing factor comes with a disadvantage, he looks like he is 17 hence the name "Death the kid".
Character: Arrogant, with a cannot die mentality. Will do anything to get his name known. Manipulative and pretends to be good for the sake of evil. Comedic and likes to fuck around with his enemies. All though he is a villain, he pretends to be friendly with everyone, but deep inside he feels no remorse for anyone. Will kill who ever to please the Grim Reaper.
appearance: Hazel with a green mixture for eyes, brown hair. Lanky build, 6 ft2.
Super power: Healing factor, body easily removes toxins, diseases etc .And healed almost instantly, also the healing factor is basically like Deadpool's.
Clan: White
Weopons: Dual wield guns and small knife. Is a parkour specialist.
Suit appearance: Black cloak that is made from silk and covers my shoes. Black dress shoes and a mask with a skull on it. In the dark the only thing that can be seen is a glow in the dark Skull around the face.
Backstory: The profound son of the Grim reaper. Before Cliff was born, his parents Both got hit by a truck, his mom who was pregnant at the time went into a coma with his dad, in the coma, they met the grim reaper, about to consume their lives. They plead not to, the grim reaper than said that you can live only if you give me your son. They made a pact, and promised it. Back at the car, the cops searched the car, having found 2 bodies, one man and Woman. The woman was not pregnant at the time the cops found them dead. He heard crying in the backround and saw a kid in the back. He raised him. When Cliff was 10, he murdered the cops family, the other cops rushed to the scene. Shooting Cliff several times, at the time of his funeral, he rose back from the dead(having healed from his wounds) and killed all those people as well. He than later realized that he needs to serve the reaper in order to stay alive. Ever since he has done several acts of murders.
Only way to kill him, is for him to piss of the grim reaper(his father).
There is 2 more! :DDDDD. Can't wait for the story!
Name: Desmond Grant
Superhero name: The Paladin
Age: 24
Character:A strong young heroic man, hes truthful and just. He wants to save all innocents but he knows that the sacrifice of a few to save the many is right. He is willing to kill villains.
Appearance:A white man, brown hair, green eyes, tall, wears glasses while in civilian mode.
Super power:Lightning and super strength
Clan: Black (Hero)
Weapons:Sword occasionally
Suit: An armored yellow and white suit with a bird of unknown origin, a mask covers most of his face.
Backstory:Desmond was sent into the military from a young age since he was an orphan. During the war he was captured by terrorists, he was tortured, he escaped though. He escaped into a forest where he was stranded, during this time he ran into a cave. Inside the cave was a group of dead knights and a strange bird. The bird attacked him and he got electrified, when he woke up terrorists were around him. He used his power to escape and get back to the city where he grew up. He now lives a normal life, trying to figure out his powers and defend innocents.
(Hope I made it in)
Can I still be in?
Name: Samuel Hall.
Supervillain name: Thundreus.
Age: 32
Character: Polite, calm, inteligent most of the time, but when using his powers he becomes powerful and that excites and is enjoyable to him. He enjoys using his powers on people who hurt him or represent a threat to him or his company.
Appearance: Brown, short hair, green eyes. Wears a suit most of the time.
Super power: He can harness the power of electricity, but only in a large enough amount to directly kill a person when he's really angry. When killing people, he uses his powers on their cellphones when they are using it to provoke an electrocussion.
Villain suit: Completely black except for the mask, which has the drawing of a Lightning bolt on each side and a blue line around them. This suit makes him look stronger and have more muscle than he actually has.
Background story: He only discovered his power late in his life, around 17 years old, when he was angry because his parents grounded him, and he made his cellphone almost blow up. He was thrilled with his new power and began going to the street and use it on cars. He learned he needed to absorb more electricity to maintain this ability and then began to develop it more. Later in his life, a good friend of him went to meet him and said he knew about his power because he saw him using it, and was getting out of control. He was going to make a call so that Samuel learned how to control it, but he used his ability on the cellphone and electrocuted him, learning what he could do. By the time he was 28, his boss (the CEO of the company) got ill and was dying, but was going to leave the company to Sarah, a colleague of Samuel. Feeling betrayed as he was always loyal to the company and his boss, he killed him out of rage (the only time he used his ability to directly kill someone), and secretly changed his will, and made himself the CEO. From there on, he used his power on anyone who threatened his company or his power.
Why the fuck not
Name: Unknown
Hero/Villain name: White Knight
Age Unknown
Appearance: Unknown
Personality: Most of the time quiet and when he talks he always says something cryptic, very violent to his foes and sometimes to his friends and is a very dangerous to people that are on his wrong side.
Powers: The ability to harness the light and use to his will like creating a sword.
Backstory: most about him is unknown except that he is old as time itself.
Suit: An all white armor with details in gold and a cape with a gold lion face painted on it.
Clan: White Clan(villains).
Name: Vergil
Superhero/Supervillain Name: None
Age: Unknown
Character: Quiet, depressed, distant, contemplative, moral.
Most people try to avoid Vergil for his past behaviors, he always has a sorrowful look on his face and can be aggressive with his abilities. Not much is known about his past except that he used to serve with the White clan, but dropped his flag from living in regret - he didn't leave without a fight though. The Black clan reluctantly took him in hoping he can redeem himself.
Appearance: 5'9, blue eyes, short brown hair with no facial hair. He mostly wears black and throws a hoodie over his head so he doesn't see others looking at him. His skin is somewhat pale from his powers.
Clan: Black.
Special Power: Though I don't know any original superpowers, how about a different form of Telekineses? Like not just being able to grab different objects, but manipulate blood, darkness, etc. and what not? Something like that I guess.
Weapon: He mainly carries a katana wherever he goes.
Costume: All black clothing, a trench coat with a hoodie under it. Nothing special.
Hey guys! Since we past the original 10 people submition I needed the character submition will end in 24 hors, in case you didn 't see that in the loung! Now, the reason I am doing this is because it is my first story and I don 't know how much I can take at once! So, if you were planing to add another chraracter then do it today! Thanks and sorry! Note that the character submition will reopen at some point.
That is.... woah! Nice one. :}
I think I will call you Wall-e.
Intresting.... It will be fun to work around that.
It is not over until I say it is.
Yes you can.
I honestly didn 't think YOU would do this! Thanks! :}
I guess I'm in.
Name: Bill.
Supervillain name: The Dark Lord.
Age: 28.
Character: Vile, hostile, antagonistic, and cares for no one but his own self. Looks down on others due to his arrogant nature and is one of the best manipulators known to this day. His usual psychotic behaviour has made him one of the most feared and hated individuals on Earth.
Physical appearance: Short hair to the side, red eyes, and rather well-built and athletic.
Clan: White.
Special skill or weapon: Ability to throw infinite amount of SaltLicks at once. He usually carries a large pocket knife.
Suit appearance: Black and red coat with spikes.
I really can't get more creative than this right know. Good luck.
Thanks for postin a character on here! Expect your intro today.
Don 't worry. You can keep changing your character until I post your intro. :}
You looked out the big glass window. New York was beautifull as always. There were so many lights outside that you could see pretty much every detail in the room. That was perhaps because you knew that room so well. The moon was like adding color to an empty canvas. It was making it perfect. And then there was... sillence. Just sillence. You liked that. A lot. You loved being alone. The window of the building across the street was reflecting a bright sign. "Legion".
Gustac: The town is too calm. But not for too long.
A tiny smile apeared on your face. A smile which led to a laugh so creepy that even you could feel it through your spine. It made you wonder. How did you manage to get here? A hell of a ride. They found you. They saved you. And now you were going to get them all. Well, not all.... There still was one you kinda trusted. One you were not planning to take down.
Gustac: I have been waiting too long. Such a cliche line but yet so fitting to the situation... I guess I should tell her the plan. It is important
that she knows. I need her help. Didn 't think I would say that any time soon....
Your eyes were red as ever, filled with anger. You didn 't really know what you were mad about. But it didn 't matter. You put your mask on and walked out of the dark room. The door behind you shut gently as you closed it.
The door was right in front of you. It didn 't feel right... Maybe you shoudn 't go. On the other hand it was just a drink. Nothing too special. Marker couldn 't take that away from you. He didn 't have the right. But you knew that if he found out he would do something, something even you wouldn 't like.
Figure: Go ahead. Nothing here to stop you.
Cliff: Veni?
Venom: No shit Sherloc.
Cliff: So you are not going to stop me?
Venom: Wasn 't really planning to. In fact if you wait for a while I could come with you.
[wait for Venita]
[go alone]
There was no light in the room, exept for a few pieces of it braking in through the window. Just enough.... You ahd that smile you always did. So sweet and yet so creepy. You run through your memories for a moment. You remembered the first time you saw that kid... Not older that 20. And she dared to call you a titan... Smart kid, you had to give her that. You didn 't know you would end up killing her. Or at least trying to. You looked at your revolver. You never knew this days... You had to make sure you were safe. But then again, you were a genious. That is what you do. You make sure you are safe. The loses here and there are... a bonus. Then a shadow coming out of the darkest parts of the room.
Marker: Niki? I am sure I was pretty strict about who and when is allowed to enter my office.
Nikolai: Yes, but then again I wanted to fuck with you a bit.
Marker: You are not allowed here. At any time.
Nicolai: Keeping track of my time is too much to take on. I am just gonna go with an "I don 't care".
[force him out]
[let him stay]
[kill him for disobeying you]
Shit he's in the white clan actually.
[go alone]
[force him out] As a bad guy, and as I see him, the leader of the villains he shouldn't be too nice, but not kill one of his own either.
Thanks for voting.
Next time do you mind replying to the comment though? Sorry, now I feel bad. ;-;